Second Hand Coffee Machines vs New Coffee Machines: Pro’s and Con’s Discussed
Buying a coffee machine on a budget requires time and a lot of research. Many new coffee machines come with exorbitant price tags, some entirely out of the range of those looking to simply have a basic home or office solution without needing a business loan or a second bond on their house.
Considering buying a second hand coffee machine may be the best possible route to take in that type of situation; you’re still getting great coffee, from a great coffee machine, without paying the hefty price you would normally pay if the machine was “out the box”.
We weigh up the pros and cons of buying a coffee machine second hand vs buying a coffee machine new; what you can expect from either, and what to consider before committing:
Second Hand Coffee Machine: Pros and Cons
The biggest benefit is the financial relief you can expect from buying a used coffee machine. Depending on the age and condition of the machine, you could find deals where people are willing to part with the machine for a price less than half of the original worth of it.
Secondly, if the machine is a reputable brand name machine – like Jura, WMF or Saeco – you have the peace of mind knowing you have suppliers throughout South Africa – including certified affiliates and dealers – who will be able to service and repair your machine in the event something goes awry.
Another major benefit of buying a second hand coffee machine is the possibility of “stumbling upon a gem” – where you can get your hands on discontinued models that were crowd favourites in their day. Be cautious when buying this type of used coffee machine, though, as they will be difficult to maintain and repair through regular retailers – due to a lack of replacement parts. If you’re familiar with the machine and are happy to take that aspect of machine maintenance on by yourself – you might want to consider this option.
What about the downfalls though?
As we briefly mentioned, if you have purchased a second hand coffee machine that is no longer in circulation or has been discontinued, you will likely struggle to find a suitable repair and maintenance centre.
The biggest setback, though, would be “buyers beware”. If you are purchasing from a renowned dealer, then you’re in the safe zone. Check the type of guarantee or warranty period they offer, and ensure you monitor the machine closely in that time. If you opt to buy from a private seller or individual, however, you need to do your homework. This includes checking the current value of the machine against their selling price, ensuring you check as many components of the machine as possible before paying and leaving – and most importantly – ensure there are not visible defects of the machine (especially if the machine Is known to give specific problems). If you are happy, ensure the machine brand has regulated repair and maintenance centres, and do be prepared to spend a little bit of money to get your machine serviced in the future.
New Coffee Machines: Pro’s and Con’s
If you’re anything like me, the thought of unwrapping a brand new coffee machine, peeling the protective plastic coverings off is one of the best parts of buying it new. That aside, there are a few major benefits to buying your machine “out the box”.
You have manufacturer warranty for an average of 1-2 years on any brand new coffee machine. If anything goes wrong – mechanically or electrically, or with any of the internal workings – you are covered. Yes, it may take a while to have they machine shipped back to the manufacturer for repairs, but you can be at peace knowing you won’t be held financially liable for the repair (provided it was not caused by user negligence).
The second benefit is in knowing that the machine is sound in its workings, and has never been used before. No risk of old coffee being stuck within the brew groups, or a faulty milk frother.
You get to setup the machine from scratch in the way you want; customised sizes and strengths, pre-programmed specialities – you can really make it your own.
There will always be disadvantages, though:
You’ll be paying a lot of money for your machine – so be sure you choose wisely. Especially if the machine is for an office – you will want to do projections to see whether that machine is still going to be suitable in 3-6 months. For a home, ensure you are going to be making use of the machine – enough to justify the initial capital layout of buying the machine.
The only other major disadvantage must be that you will need to learn how to use the machine yourself. See, when renting a machine, a technician is usually sent out with the machine on delivery, to help you setup and understand how it works. Very rarely is the same opportunity afforded to those who buy the machine straight-out. Get yourself some user manuals online, search forums for those who have used the machine before and play around with the machine on your own –it’s the best way to learn how to use it.
If you need some advice on how to go about buying a second hand or new coffee machine, fill out the form below or click here to get in touch!