Second Hand Coffee Machines: Pro’s and Con’s Discussed
Owning or leasing a coffee machine is a decision we advocate putting a lot of thought and consideration into. It is a luxury item, so not everyone has the ability to maintain one, but what if a coffee machine solution is able to save you money in the long run when you compare it to your current monthly spend?
Or what if the price of a new coffee machine is simply out of reach, but you absolutely need it?
Then it’s probably time to consider and weigh up the pro’s and con’s of opting for a second hand or refurbished coffee machine.
Benefits and Downfalls to Buying a Second Hand Coffee Machine
We always like to start things off on a good note, so this will not be an exception to the rule.
Firstly, and probably most importantly, is the considerable price difference you can expect when you choose the route of pre-loved machines. You can expect (dependant on just how much the machine has already been used, the year and model of the machine as well as the condition of it) to pay anything between 20% – 60% less than a new version of it.
One exception to this rule is discontinued coffee machine models. The price difference on this can go one of two ways – either dirt cheap or exorbitantly high – as there is nothing to benchmark the sellers pricing against in terms of current value. Be careful in these circumstances, as you’d need to consider things like backup support (in case the machine breaks or malfunctions), as well as maintenance – which can be difficult to procure if there are no up-to-date technicians who are able to service the machine.
A second hand coffee machine will either be sold privately or through a reseller; if sold privately, you need to put on your investigator boots and make sure you know what you’re buying.
The first thing to check is if the machine actually works. Plug it in, make sure all the lights and connections work. It might be hard to check if you don’t have any coffee product on hand – so if you can secure a viewing before you buy – try to have the seller dispense some product out of the machine.
Secondly, look for breakages. A broken internal canister can spell disaster, as procuring yourself a replacement might end up costing more than you paid for the machine in the first place.
Check for other things like damaged pipes, chutes, grinders, mixers or mixing bowls, damaged locks and handles, and – as much as none of us want to imagine this – check for pest infestations. If your machine is bought, and contains an infestation of things like termites or roaches – I promise you’re going to have a hard time.
If you are buying your machine from a reseller, check for all of the above – and also check if the reseller offers backup support or maintenance. This might be a sundry charge – for good reason – as the reseller will likely have a higher risk of something going wrong as the machine has been previously owned. Higher-end coffee machines, with the likes of Jura, should only be bought from reputable resellers. The reason for this is that Jura contains some pricey components – like their specialised grinders and non-removable brew groups. You will void any warranty held on that machine if you buy it off someone in the streets, and if these parts need fixing – you’re going to end up paying yourself out of pocket. Rather pay a slightly higher rate from a worthwhile, certified reseller than battle for years ahead with a possibly damaged machine.
If you’re fortunate enough to find a second hand or refurbished coffee machine, you will enjoy all the benefits that come with a new machine at half the price. A second hand vending machine may help drastically reduce costs when used in the right environment, i.e. – a large office or factory setting.
A second hand Jura coffee machine is going to add a touch of class and a nice aesthetic to your home or boardroom; ensure you know how to replace the filter and perform a cleaning and descaling cycle on your machine.
A good rule of thumb is to do as much research as possible on how much a new model of your specific machine would cost, and benchmark and second hand resellers against this – just to make sure you’re not being ripped off.
So now that we’ve covered buying a second hand coffee machine, let’s talk about renting one.
Renting Second Hand Coffee Machines
It might surprise you that renting a second hand or refurbished coffee machine is a far simpler process than buying one. While you still need to pay due diligence to things like finding a trustworthy supplier, one you’ve got that base covered you’re pretty much good to go.
In fact, 99% of suppliers who rent out coffee machines make use of “second hand machines”. Now, I don’t mean that they buy the machine second hand and then rent it out – they have likely bought the machine brand new and have had a couple of people rent that machine before you. The supplier will now generally take on the responsibility of maintaining, servicing and providing backup support for your machine.
In short – if anything goes wrong with a pre-loved coffee machine while you’re still on contract for that machine – it’s the suppliers responsibility to fix it (unless, of course, the damage was caused by you).
The benefits to renting a second hand coffee machine, especially if it is an older model (more than 5 years old) is that you may have leverage to negotiate the price you pay per month on the older machine. One downfall to renting a refurbished coffee machine may be that it is pre-disposed to having more faults, which could have been caused by a previous user – but as we mentioned – it is the renting companies’ responsibility to resolve that.
Whichever way you look at it – if you are thorough enough during he buying or renting process – you will walk away with a far more affordable deal and great coffee.