Instant vs Bean Coffee Vending Machines: Costs and Features Compared

Instant vs Bean Coffee Vending Machines: The 7 Key Differences

Coffee Vending Machines are the most popular type of office coffee machine today in South Africa. The two most common questions our customers ask us once they have decided to get a coffee machine for their office is “What are the key differences between Instant vs. Bean Coffee Vending Machines” and “Which is a better choice for me”. The first question is easy to answer but the answer to “which is better” is always the same: It depends.

There are essentially 7 key differences between instant and bean vending machines and knowing all these differences goes a long way to assisting one in selecting the right option.

Instant Coffee vs Coffee Beans Consumables Cost Differences:

The most overlooked aspect in choosing a coffee machine is often the cost of the consumables which will need to be bought after the machine is purchased or rented. The cheapest coffee beans one can buy go for around R160/kg which equates to around R1.60 per cup of coffee. The most expensive coffee beans one can buy in South Africa is Illy coffee beans which sell for around R450/kg which results in a cup of coffee costing around R4.50.

The cheapest instant coffee one can purchase is Ricoffy which costs around R0.50 per cup whereas the most expensive instant coffee is Jacobs which sells for around R550 per kg equating in the cost per cup of black coffee being R1.10

Winner: Instant Coffee Machine

Speed of Vending instant vs Vending Beans

If speed is what you are after then instant vending machines are the machines for you. A cup of coffee can be dispensed in less than 10 seconds whereas a bean vending machine can only push out a cup of coffee every 23 seconds.

Winner: Instant Coffee Machine

Taste difference: Which tastes better, beans or instant

In most cases there can be little doubt that bean coffee is the better tasting coffee. Instant coffee by definition has been pre-brewed and then dehydrated which causes the coffee to lose most of its good oils which contribute a lot to its taste. There are some people who are “beginners” when it comes to their coffee drinking and prefer an instant coffee as it can lack the harshness of beans but in most instances beans are hands down winners here.

Winner: Bean Coffee Machine

Difference in cost of machines: How Much Cheaper are Instant Coffee Machines

Bean coffee vending machines are carbon copies of their instant brothers with the one exception that they have a grinder, brewing unit and a grounds container. Because of these additions bean vending machines are on average about 20% more expensive than their instant counterparts

Winner: Instant Coffee Machine

Servicing and Maintenance Requirements: Are Bean Machines a lot more problematic

The one part in any vending machine which requires the most maintenance and care is the grinder and brewing unit. Grinders involve moving parts and constant abrasion (similar to blenders with ice) . Grinders in vending machines are usually very robust as they are commercial grade but still have been known to fail. Because of these extras bean vending machines are slightly more risks and do need that little bit extra care.

Winner: Instant Coffee Machine

Noise: How noisy are Bean to Cup Coffee Machines

Instant vending machines are pretty much silent as all they do is pump water into a mixing bowl and then dispense the liquid mixture. This process is identical in bean vending machines but it is preceded with the grinding of beans which isn’t totally silent. Most bean vending machines are fitted with noise reducers so the difference is often unnoticeable but if you are going to be picky and were comparing decibels with decibels you would have to give instant the win here.

Winner: Instant Coffee Machine

Cleaning Requirements: What do I need to do everyday?

All vending machines need daily maintenance and cleaning. Daily maintenance included wiping the mixing bowls and getting rid of any product build up from the day before. On a bean machine you have the added requirement of removing and cleaning the brewing unit each day. This is only a 30 second  job but a job that needs to get done nonetheless.

Winner: Instant Coffee Machine

Verdict: Are instant Vending Machines then a better choice than bean vending machines?

With 6 wins vs. only a measly 1 on the above criteria it would look like an instant vending machine is the obvious choice. In most environments you would be right except for many people the most important requirement of the lot which outweighs all the rest is “which coffee tastes better”. And because for 9 people out of ten the answer to this question is “bean coffee no doubt”, bean vending machines still have a place in many environments over instant vending machines.

In which environments are instant coffee vending machines the right choice?

Based on the above the following environments are more suited to instant vending machines:

Training centres – Training centres needs coffee quickly. Many times delegates only have a few minutes to get their cuppa. Bean vending often doesn’t cut it in these situations

Factories – When it comes to factories, you need to be able to control things like sugar, milk and coffee (which both vending machine options do) but what use is control if your product is costing you significantly more than before. Cheap wins in this case and therefore you have to select instant here.

Offices – Offices appears on both lists as the right machine for an office depends entirely on what your goals are. If you want to save money and control costs then instant is the route for you. If you want to spoil your staff with the best coffee around then instant is not the right choice here.

Boardrooms – We have placed both instant vending and bean vending machines in boardrooms before but because of the noise difference we would probably say instant is a better fit for most here

In which environments is are bean to cup coffee vending machines the right choice

Petrol stations – Petrol stations are selling their coffee. These days coffee consumers are more discerning and therefore less likely to spend their hard earned cash on an instant coffee. Bean vending is the obvious winner here.

Canteens – Canteens are similar to Petrol stations with the one exception of canteens where the coffee is given away for free. If your canteen is one where you charge for the coffee, a bean vending machine will often give you better success here

Offices – We promised a repeat of offices in this section. If your goal is great coffee for clients and staff then bean vending is the route to go.