Esprecious 12: Bravilor Bonamat – The Coffee Vending Machine Dreams are Made Of

Esprecious 12: Bravilor Bonamat – The Coffee Vending Machine Dreams are Made Of

It commands attention and invites you towards it with nothing more than just being there. When this impressive machine landed on our kitchen counter for review, I (along with most of my colleagues) were in awe at the sheer size and modern look of this machine.

We’ll be reviewing this machine as a whole, along with all the good and the bad that goes along with it.

Esprecious 12 Coffee Machine: What Can This Machine Do?

Right from the outset, you’re intrigued by the touch-screen display which can make up to 12 drinks (guess where it got it’s name), including Café au lait, Cappuccino, Crema coffee, Espreschoc, Espresso, Espressochoc, Double espresso, Hot chocolate, Latte Macchiato, Moccachino, Coffee decaf and Hot water for tea and soups – at the touch of a button.

The Esprecious 12 has has one canister for coffee beans and two canisters for instant ingredients. The two canisters for instant ingredients can be filled with topping and cacao for coffee specialities such as cappuccino, latte, Moccachino and hot chocolate – or you could opt to leave these empty to focus on dispensing large quantities of the freshest coffee.

Office Coffee Machine: Who Is The Esprecious 12 Coffee Machine Good For?

This machine has a certain correct fit; it is mainly recommended for large offices in excess of about 50 people. This machine takes a lot of space (it’s dimensions are 330mm x 570mm x 660 mm) and it requires a substantial amount of water (it can be plumbed-in or make use of an external water canister).

If aesthetics, ease of use, modern-looks and fresh bean-to-cup coffee is of high importance to you – this might be a good choice. Also, if powdered milk is not an area of concern to you, this might even go so far as to help alleviate costs in that department.

However, if you are looking for a cheap, cost-effective solution and are not focussed on the “good looks” of the machine, I would recommend considering other options – like an Instant Vending Machine or the Bean Vending Machine. The reason this is suggested is because of the price tag the Esprecious 12 carries. It may be an unnecessary expense if you are not going to be using the machine to it’s full capabilities.

In summary; if you’re after good looks, high output and quality coffee – take a look at this a little bit closer. If you’re working on a tight budget, are less interested in aesthetics or coffee quality and if you have a smaller staff complement – rather opt for another coffee machine.

Also, this machine does hold some of it’s own “marketing” features – you can add logo’s and pictures to be displayed in the touch screen section of the machine. Great for those who seek alternative ways to get their name out there!

Esprecious 12: Coffee Vending Machine Features

This coffee machine is great if you wish to control stock abuse; the machine is physically lockable from the outside, and because your powdered milk, hot chocolate and coffee beans are stored internally, your risk of coffee product stock abuse and theft will undoubtedly diminish.

It has an appealing touch-screen display which allows you to select your drink with relative ease. Yes, it take a while to heat up and “get itself ready” – but we all know that good things take time. In the same breath, this machine can save you time. Not many coffee vending machine shave a double-outlet; you are limited to one outlet and one cup per dispense.

Not the case, here! The Esprecious 12 is equipped with a double-nozzle outlet and a separate water nozzle. So you can dispense two cups of coffee simultaneously, and then a use the free-standing water tap to fill up on your tea or soups. By the way -it will take you only 33 seconds to get those two cups of coffee dispensed – which spells the end of disastrously long queues at the coffee machine in the mornings!

The automatic rinsing system alleviates the need for manual cleaning throughout the day and also ensures that every cup tastes as good (if not better) than the last.

Are you the type of person who enjoys a comprehensive report sent straight to you? You’ll be glad to know this feature is included in the machine, so you can get rolling updates on your coffee machine usage and collect relative data from it.

Bravilor Esprecious 12: Coffee Machine Costs VS Coffee Machine Outputs

We know a machine like this is going to carry a bit of a cost – understandably.

“A perfect cup of espresso asks for a powerful approach. First-rate performance is demanded from an espresso machine during the preparation process. Therefore only the best, strongest and most durable materials are used in the Esprecious.”

With standards and expectations like that being used as a selling point – we know this machine is as serious about coffee as you are. The retail price for outright purchase is around the R 55 000.00 mark and while the rental per month is yet to be determined – it will likely be considerably higher than your run-of-the-mill coffee vending machines.

Bear in mind that this beast of a machine has output capabilities of up to 150 cups Espresso, up to 100 cups of coffee crème’ and 240 cups of instant coffee PER HOUR. This is important to note when considering if this is the right coffee machine for you.

As always, test, look around, and do your homework before committing to any type of coffee machine.

We’d love to hear your Esprecious 12 feedback!

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